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28th SRI TRANT CUP the spirit, Wellness and Love of our family

One of SRI TRANG group phenomenon that we all love the most. With many year of effort, today SRI TRANG CUP become one of the biggest private own sport event in southern Thailand join by 8 companies including :

  • Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) Public Company Limited
  • Semperflex Asia Corporation Limited
  • Anvar Parawood Company Limited
  • Nam Hua Rubber Company Limited
  • Sadao P.S. Rubber Company Limited
  • Premier System Engineering Company Limited
  • Rubberland Products Company Limited
  • Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited

The SRI TRANG CUP provide our family with love, excitement, friendship, teamwork and many great story throughout the event.

The event provide wide range of activities for 35day long including Futsal tournament which SRI TRANG GLOVES engineering team won the trophy, Handball tournament which also won by our SRI TRANG GLOVES packing team and other activities including food festival and concert.

We see our employees as part of the SRI TRANG GLOVES (THAILAND) family.  We are committed to eliminating child labor and other abuses where they are found, and to achieving safe and healthy working conditions as well as following the Touch of Life principles.