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Sri Trang Group organizes the “Green Factory to Build Value for Thai Natural Rubber Future” event in 30 branches nationwide.

August 1-9, 2017 – Sri Trang Group organized the event, “Green Factory to Build Value for Thai Natural Rubber Future”, in 30 branches nationwide as a commitment to drive the company as a Green Rubber Company or Green Organization to develop the sustainable rubber industry.

Maiprae Loyen, Vice President-public affairs, social responsibility division and international investment project of Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc. (STA) said “due to operating an integrated natural rubber business for over 30 years, plus a commitment to develop the sustainable natural rubber industry, this has led STA to initiate and drive it to be a Green Rubber Company. We hoped to develop the sustainable natural rubber industry as the way to create and increase value for Thai natural rubber. By doing so, STA’s every branch would have similar direction as follows:

  • Green Rubber Products – We are committed to delivering to our customers the clean natural products, which are free from contaminated substances to endanger the industry and consumers’ health.
  • Green Factory – We take care every production process via this scrutinized process following international standard and the principle of energy conservation without waste water, ensuring to have our environmentally-friendly production in the plant and be safe to the communities surrounded.
  • Green Supply – We passionately promoting farmers to produce clean and free-contaminated natural rubber and operating our fair procurement system with all farmers and dealers.
  • Green Company – We manage our corporate governance with transparency towards sustainable growth, as well as opening up to get new things to improve product quality by our Research & Development department, aimed at stabilizing the natural rubber industry growth.

Under the “Green Factory to Build Value for Thai Rubber Future” event, all STA’s 30 branches nationwide would organize the event by inviting provincial governors and government agencies, and delegates from universities, schools, private sector, relevant organizations and media to attend. At the event, 4 booths were set up to explain about Green Rubber Company or Green Organization on different dimensions. It also proposed the process to increase Thai natural rubber value to help drive the government policy on the country’s rubber development, with the environmentally-friendly process from upstream to downstream. There were booths of STA’s university network in the area such as Ubon Ratchathani University and Naresuan University. At the end, we together grew the native tree species of provinces, with each branch of 1,000 trees. Going ahead, the company would still keep its commitment to be the World’s Largest Green Rubber Company and also develop the sustainable natural rubber industry.”