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Sri Trang-Agro Industry Plc’s Sikao branch in conjunction with Provincial Offices for Natural Resources and Environment Trang to grow plants along the Sai Kao Kaew-Kuan Kun road.

July 12, 2017 – Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc (STA)’s Sikao branch participated in an activity to “grow plants along the Sai Kao Kaew-Kuan Kun road, operated by Provincial Offices for Natural Resources and Environment Trang. All employees, including Mr. Theerachai Chaisorn, Factory Manager of STA’s Sikao branch, and Miss Supak Khanjan, Sustainability Manager of STA helped grow plants in order to increase the forest area in the community and raise awareness among people to help protect the forest resource and environment. Also, it was aimed at building cooperation between the two sides, following the company’s commitment to take care of the environment and preserve natural resources, a way which brings values to the society sustainably.