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Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc (STA) holds a press conference on its 30th anniversary to underscore its performance as the world’s natural rubber leader.

May 11, 2017- Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc held a press conference on its 30th anniversary. Mr. Veerasith Sinchareonkul and Mr. Paul Sumade Lee, STA’s two executive directors, gave an interview and said of the outlook of the global rubber industry in 2017, its business direction this year, as well as its opportunity and the company’s previous change, a move aimed at strengthening its leadership in the world’s natural rubber market at The Conservatory The House on Sathorn.

Mr. Veerasith said this year the firm has an aim to keep its leadership to control its market share in the global natural rubber market. Currently, STA has potential with the highest production capacity from combined 35 manufacturing plants and distribution centers to serve demand across the globe.

Beyond driving its business growth, STA will still move ahead its development to keep Thailand as the world’s rubber leader from upstream to downstream businesses. For STA, the company has defined its strategy to become The World’s Largest Green Rubber Company, under a commitment to operate “green rubber products” from natural rubber trees, to go into environmentally-friendly “green factory” from “green supply”, with a fair trade with farmers in the trustable system under a “green company”, which is based on good governance towards  all stakeholders, along with upgrading product quality and serving customer demand with R&D to keep its leadership in the global market. 

Also in the evening, the company held a party to thank natural rubber clients and local and foreign rubber gloves clients, as a good occasion to help strengthen sustainable relationship and build confidence with foreign clients. This is aimed at showing its commitment to upgrade the country’s rubber industry and continue keeping Thailand as the leader in the global rubber market.