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Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc’s Narathiwas branch holds a project, “Bun Tuk Yang Tid Rang Srang Roi Yim” (Carrying Rubber, Installing Gutter, Creating Smiles)

November 23, 2016 – Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc’s  Narathiwas branch held a project, “Bun Tuk Yang Tid Rang Srang Roi Yim”, in cooperation with Princess of Naradhiwas University by inviting the firm’s customers to attend a seminar, named “Developing Rubber Quality and Installing the Gutter on the Truck Carrying Rubber to Prevent Water  Drop”, at the academic resources meeting room at Princess of Naradhiwas University. It was aimed at convincing them to follow the initiative in order to prevent water from the truck to drip on the road, a move to help keep environment, drive safely and create smiles to the community.

It follows the company’s policy to build sustainability of the rubber operation in every dimension and take care of community because the company is concerned about environment and intends to bring values to the society sustainably.