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Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc’s Kalasin sets up a booth to give knowledge of sulfuric acid, as well as being a speaker at a seminar on rubber market network and having a buyers-meet-sellers session.

September 6, 2016 – Sri Trang Agro-Industry Plc’s Kalasin branch joined a seminar on rubber market network and a buyers-meet-sellers session. The Rubber Authority of Thailand in Kalasin invited the company to set up the booth in order to give knowledge of sulfuric acid and also to be jointly a speaker at a seminar, “Rubber Trading System in Factory” by giving a lecture to participants, which included rubber farmers and operators at the conference room of the Mechanical Operation Building (Pikulthong) at Kalasin University.

Activities at the company’s booth included to give knowledge and an opportunity to the rubber farmers and operators to test contamination of sulfuric acid in cup lump rubber. Moreover, the company gave a test set of sulfuric-contaminated rubber to everybody in order to reduce the use of sulfuric in doing rubber cup lump, following the company’s policy, which has kept more focus on rubber sustainability in every aspect. Moreover, its aim is to protect national long-term benefits, farmers, and general people because we Sri Trang are keen to have more concern on environment and also develop values to the society.