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Rubberland Products Co., Ltd’s Bungkan branch launches an integrated learning activity under the STEM Education project of IPST’s 2nd Class

August 24, 2016 – Rubberland Products Co.,Ltd’s Bungkan, launched an integrated learning activity under the STEM Education project of the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)’s Class 2 to students at the fifth grade of Ban Na Sawan School, Ban Nhong Tor School and Ban Khok Sawang School. The activity was held at the multi-purpose building of Ban Na Sawan School, Bungkan province. Students were allowed to learn and understand a basic knowledge of the rubber and the rubber career further. Also, they learnt of working as team and having their creativities in designing robot in order to apply to use in rubber plantation diversely.   

The company offered stationery and sport equipment to those schools and children, following the company’s policy, which has given importance to the community and people in the area by keeping focus on developing values to the society sustainably.