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Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited (Loei Branch) Provides Aid to Tropical Storm Victims in Loei Province

On May 15, 2024, Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited's (Loei Branch) took proactive steps to assist victims affected by the recent tropical storm. The company's team visited Ban Tha Sa-at Community School in Tha Sa-at Subdistrict, Loei Province, where they engaged in vision decoration and trimming of fallen trees.

This community-centric activity saw the participation of both the company's employees and local community members, who joined forces to clean the area. The collaborative effort focused on trimming fallen trees and restoring the school's surroundings to ensure it could resume normal operations. The villagers were grateful and pleased with the support and assistance received from both the company and their fellow community members.

As a result of this initiative, Ban Tha Sa-at Community School now boasts a bright and safe atmosphere for its students once again. The joint effort not only improved the school's environment but also strengthened the bond between the company and the local community, highlighting the positive impact of corporate social responsibility.