We are committed to bringing satisfaction to our shareholders through the sustainable growth of our business and consistent, reasonable returns. All our shareholders are accorded equal treatment, being regularly and equally furnished with information in relation to our operations.
Responsibility toward shareholders
Relationships with customers
We endeavor to forge enduring relationships with customers through the superiority of our products and services and the fairness and honesty that underpin all customer transactions.
Relationships with suppliers
We work to build and maintain relationships of mutual understanding based upon fair business dealings with our suppliers.
Fair competition
We engage in and seek to foster fair competition in the industry and are in strict compliance with all competition laws and regulations.
Responsibility toward employees
We recognize that our employees are integral to our success. All our employees are provided with fair compensation, safe and pleasant working conditions and opportunities for professional development.
Social and environmental responsibility
We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and meaningfully contribute to the communities in which we operate. A strong emphasis is placed on the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.